
... wherein I bloviate discursively

Brian Clapper,

A Scala build tool

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I’ve decided to write a build tool in Scala.

(Update: No, I haven’t. See below.)

Because I don’t like Ant

For awhile now, I have truly disliked Ant, the standard build utility for Java. Ant (and Maven) use XML build files, which means you’re often standing on your head to get around limitations imposed by the choice of XML as a syntax.

I dislike the whole trend of using XML as a configuration file format. Yes, XML is human-readable. But it isn’t always human-friendly. I agree with Terence Parr, author of ANTLR and StringTemplate, who wrote, in 2001, that XML is a poor human interface:

XML should be a safe bet for most of your program-to-program data format needs. What about programs, specifications, initialization files, and the like that are conversations between a human and a computer? In this section, I hope to convince you that humans should not have to write and grok XML. Besides the many existing standard special-purpose languages that provide superior interfaces, XML is about as far away from natural human language as you can get.

See ”Humans should not have to grok XML”.

And then there’s make

Meanwhile, our old friend, make, uses a syntax that is good and bad. What’s good is that it’s relatively easy to see what depends on what. However, make’s tab-sensitive syntax is problematic, and it uses an external shell process as its “programming” language, which imposes overhead and restricts expressiveness.

Martin Fowler talks about many of these issues in his 2005 article entitled ”Using the Rake Build Language”.

A build file is …

In my view, a build file serves two main purposes:

  1. It is a manifest, of sorts, for the components of the system being built.
  2. It must be able to contain custom logic for building, since there are often site-specific or project-specific tasks that must be performed.

As my friend and former colleague, Steve Sapovits, and I have often argued in the past, build files are code. They are maintained like code, they can be buggy like code, and they often require “escaping” to code to do things.

So why not make them code?

The Rake approach

That’s what Rake did. A Rakefile is pure Ruby, surrounded by an infrastructure to manage dependencies, build certain common things, etc. But the syntax of Rake is Ruby–simplified and customized by an internal DSL built using native Ruby semantics. Thus, any editor or IDE that speaks Ruby can handle a Rakefile. Better yet, if you have to do something custom, something that the built-in Rake tasks cannot do, you have the full power of Ruby at your disposal, right there in the Rakefile.

Contrast that approach with Ant or make.

  • You can customize Ant, but you can only get the full power of a real programming language by writing an Ant task in Java (or another JVM language), compiling it, and making it available to Ant. You can’t put little scriptlets of Java in an Ant file.
  • With make, you’re pretty much stuck with either the shell, with all its limitations, or (in the case of GNU Make), a macro syntax that becomes all but unmaintainable if you define complex macros (which I’ve done).

I much prefer the Rake approach.


Since I do a lot of development in Python these days, I tried building a Rake-like tool in Python. I know there are existing Python build tools, such as SCons, Vellum, zc.buildout and Paver, but I wanted something that used a simpler build file syntax, more akin to a classic Makefile, while retaining the full power of Python.

It was a fun project, but Python presented some DSL limitations that Ruby does not have. For instance:

  • In Python, you cannot capture an arbitrary block of code and save it for later. In Ruby (and Scala), you can. You can define a lambda in Python, but lambdas have syntax limitations that make them unfriendly in this particular context. You can capture a function, but I wanted a simpler, more make-like syntax, instead of requiring people to define functions all over the place.
  • Python does not permit you to override operators. While this isn’t a big deal at all in typical Python programming, it’s awfully useful when defining a DSL.

As a result, the Python build tool (which I actually did implement, but never released) uses a special external DSL that permits embedded snippets of Python. (It uses David Beazley’s excellent PLY Python lex and yacc implementation to parse the file.)

But, of course, the resulting build file isn’t actually Python, even if it does contain Python, so none of my editor modes or IDEs grok the syntax.

Enter Scala

Meanwhile, I’ve been playing with Scala. Like Ruby, Scala has a looser syntax (though, unlike Ruby, it’s type safe). The relaxed syntax, along with Scala’s operator overloading, closures, and other features, permit the definition of pretty powerful internal DSLs. So I decided to try an experiment.

Using very little code, I was able to create a DSL that supports this syntax:

    target("foo") -> ("foo.o", "lib.a")

        target("bar") -> ("bar.o", "lib.a") === {
          // Scala logic goes here

Further, by judicious use of an implicit conversion, I was able to remove the need for a target() function entirely, so that the following syntax is equivalent to the above:

    "foo" -> ("foo.o", "lib.a")

        "bar" -> ("bar.o", "lib.a") === {
          // Scala logic goes here

The code I wrote does not include any of the supporting build logic, because I haven’t implemented that yet. But the syntax is simple and easy to understand, while retaining the ability to use Scala.

Just as a Rakefile is Ruby, this is perfectly legal Scala, provided my small DSL classes are in scope. Thus, custom Scala build logic can use any Scala or Java code that’s in the CLASSPATH, and the build file can define its own Scala classes and functions, as necessary.

For my money, that’s way better than Ant.

I’ve decided to build this tool. It’s a small and well-defined project that I can use to come up to speed on Scala. And, when it’s done, I intend to replace all my uses of Ant with this Scala-based build tool. Maybe I’ll even include an Ant adapter, enabling me to make use of existing Ant tasks.

Update: July 19, 2009 # {#update1}

I’ve finally taken the time to play with both Gradle and SBT. (Thanks to Daniel Spiewak for the pointers.) Both tools are easy to configure and have built-in support for external dependency management (i.e., what Maven and Apache Ivy do).

Rather than spend time building yet another tool that does exactly the same thing (only with a different syntax), I’ve elected to go with SBT. See my blog post on SBT.
